FileMgmt – A platform independent file management utility

from R.K.Raja (



FileMgmt is a platform independent file management utility. The goal is to ease the life of the system administrator in managing the files on the system and for high system availability. It has been designed and developed from the scratch keeping the characteristics like lightweight, maintainability and extensibility in mind. Its design was originally inspired from the linux logrotate file rotation utility.




FileMgmt provides almost all the features that logrotate provides. In addition to that it also has the following capabilities:


  1. Platform independent.
  2. Uses multiple threads to manage the files in parallel.
  3. Supports following new actions:
    1. Can be configured to send only the email without performing any copy or copytruncate action.
    2. The copytruncate has now the options to set the truncate length.
  4. Uses XML technology for parsing and validating configuration file.
  5. Has built-in support for:
    1. File compression
    2. Sending emails with attachment.


Setting up FileMgmt:


  1. Download the latest version of from


  1. Download the latest version of apache xercesImpl.jar & xml-apis.jar from:


  1. Run FileMgmt:
    1. java –classpath “.;./lib/xercesImpl.jar;./lib/xml-apis.jar" FileMgmt –v –c <configuration_file>


Configuration file format:


<!-- Root element ΰ




<!-- Define all global directives here ΰ



List all the files to be managed here.

Multiple filenames should be delimited with comma


<file names="">


            <!-- Define all file specific directives here ΰ







Supported directives:


1. Directive to instruct FileMgmt to send email notification with attachment


<email server=”” port=”” from=”” to=”” subject=”” body=”” attachfile=””/>


No version:




2. Directive to instruct FileMgmt to compress the rotated file




No version:




3. Directive to instruct FileMgmt to just take a copy of the original file.




No version:





4. Directive to instruct FileMgmt to first copy the original file and then truncate it.


<copytruncate length=””/>


No version:




5. Directive to instruct FileMgmt to keep this much number of backup copies


<old count=””/>


No version:




6. Directive to instruct FileMgmt to include the file specified.


<include name=""/>


7. Directive to instruct FileMgmt to do pre/post operation only once for the entire

list of files specified in 'names' attribute in 'file' element.




No version:




8. Directive to instruct FileMgmt to run the commands during pre operation.




<!— List of commands to be executed ΰ




No version:




9. Directive to instruct FileMgmt to run the commands during post operation.




<!—List of commands to be executed ΰ




No version:




11. Directive to instruct FileMgmt to manage file based on the file size.


<size value=""/>




value : File size in bytes


No version:





Configuration examples:


1. FileMgmtConfig.xml




            <file names="d:\\temp\\test.pdf">


            <email server="smtp-server" port="25"

                        to="" from=""

                        subject="test subject" body="test body"



            <size value="204800"/>







The above configuration file instructs FileMgmt to send an email notification with attachment when the size of d:\temp\test.pdf exceeds 200K at the time FileMgmt runs.


Sample run:


D:\> java -classpath ".;./lib/xercesImpl.jar;./lib/xml-apis.jar" FileMgmt -v -c FileMgmtConfig.xml


INFO: Platform: Windows

INFO: Temp directory: D:\DOCUME~1\rajkanna\LOCALS~1\Temp\

INFO: Parsing 'FileMgmtConfig.xml'

INFO: Total number of config file(s) parsed and validated: 1

INFO: Total number of file(s) to process: 1

INFO: Number of jobs: 1, jobs per thread: 1 (Max threads: 5)

INFO: Threads started: 1

INFO: Processing file 'd:\\temp\\test.pdf'

INFO: File 'd:\\temp\\test.pdf' needs to be rotated (size exceeded).

INFO: Compressing 'd:\\temp\\test.pdf'.

INFO: Sending email to '' (attachment: true).

INFO: Attachment enclosed.

INFO: Executing postscript for 'd:\\temp\\test.pdf'.





2. FileMgmtConfig.xml







            <file names="d:\\temp\\test.pdf, d:\\temp\\test1.pdf">




            <size value="204800"/>



                        uname -a







The above configuration file instructs FileMgmt to just copy d:\temp\test.pdf and d:\temp\test1.pdf if their size exceeds 200K when the time FileMgmt runs. It also instruct FileMgmt to compress the backup copy and the postscript to be executed only once (sharedscript).


Sample run:


D:\> java -classpath ".;./lib/xercesImpl.jar;./lib/xml-apis.jar" FileMgmt -v -c FileMgmtConfig.xml


INFO: Platform: Windows

INFO: Temp directory: D:\DOCUME~1\rajkanna\LOCALS~1\Temp\

INFO: Parsing 'FileMgmtConfig.xml'

INFO: Total number of config file(s) parsed and validated: 1

INFO: Total number of file(s) to process: 2

INFO: Number of jobs: 1, jobs per thread: 1 (Max threads: 5)

INFO: Threads started: 1

INFO: Processing file 'd:\\temp\\test.pdf'

INFO: File 'd:\\temp\\test.pdf' needs to be rotated (size exceeded).

INFO: Copying 'd:\\temp\\test.pdf' to 'd:\\temp\\'.

INFO: Backup copy compressed.

INFO: Processing file 'd:\\temp\\test1.pdf'

INFO: File 'd:\\temp\\test1.pdf' needs to be rotated (size exceeded).

INFO: Copying 'd:\\temp\\test1.pdf' to 'd:\\temp\\'.

INFO: Backup copy compressed.

INFO: Executing postscript for 'd:\\temp\\test1.pdf'.





Send your comments to: R.K.Raja (,


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